Italian article references Fairfield Iowa's #ayurveda clinic #cults

Italian article references Fairfield Iowa's #ayurveda clinic #cults

Transcendental Meditation Movement Exposed

In April 2011, in Iowa, a man has undergone a medical examination because of intracranial hemorrhage he suffered two years earlier.Doctors feared worsening of neurological deficits, and identified the cause of lead poisoning from an Ayurvedic preparation bought in India with which man was treating.For six months after a group of epidemiologists then offered screening to patients of the same community who practiced 'Ayurveda. In early April, were published the results of the study of 115 people tested, 40% had concentrations of lead in the blood much higher than normal. In Ayurvedic preparations provided by the patients (pills, powders, liquids)were present , in addition to lead, even high levels of mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals.

“Italian article references Fairfield Iowa's #ayurveda clinic #cults”