MUM Residential Irony

A student of Maharishi University of Management, I’m bothered by a few things associated with the school. A few of my grievances congeal to ancilary contexts which raise further questions — and often irony. Before I delve into passive agressive ramblings from a stance of satire, allow me to disclose that I harbor not any disrespect, condecention, or judgement on the character of anyone who resides in trailer parks or modular homes.

Reading my entry: Protesting Pandits Pounce Pilfering Police, we realize Maharishi University of Management (MUM) , or the Global Country for World Peace / Vedic City, harbors a Pandit Compound of which they seem proud; they boast of it’s residential integrity.

Although it appears the reward of a FEMA liquidation sale, in juxtaposition to the students’ living quarters known as “UTOPIA PARK – The Homes by the Domes” the Pandit compound ironically appears a Five Star Resort. Compare for yourself.

utopia park the homes by the domes
Maharishi University of Management’s “UTOPIA PARK: The Homes by the Domes”
utopia park the homes by the domes
Maharishi University of Management’s UTOPIA PARK: The Homes by the Domes.

In contrast to the Vedic City Pandit Compound, as pictured below, the above pictured UTOPIA PARK needs an upgrade — starting with a dozer. I feel for any student who has to stomach the ramblings of Vastu architecture and invincibility all day, to return to such non-Vastu residencies at night.

pandit compound in vedic city iowa
The $2.5M USD Pandit Compound of Vedic City in Iowa, operating at $600,000.00 USD monthly in 2013
fenced in vedic city pandit compound
The $2.5M USD Fenced In Pandit Compound of Vedic City in Iowa, operating at $600,000.00 USD monthly in 2013

You’ll notice the buildings on the Pandit Compound feature a “Kalash”, indicative of the fraudulent claims of the Vastu-like architecture which Maharishi University of Management and Vedic City alike lay stake. This comes in wake of the further IRONIC fire within the Pandit Compound as mentioned on TM-FREE Blog and reported on in greater depth by The Fairfield Ledger

One primary difference between the Pandit Compound and Maharishi University of Management’s “Utopia Park” is that the Pandit Compound features a chain-link fence which “is intended to protect the men from the outside world, leaders said” according to The Gazette’s report on March 16, 2014 — but if the Maharishi Effect is in fact so effective, what need is there to “keep people out?” Moreover, why was a Pandit residence aflame? Could it be irony?

I can’t avoid asking my inner being: Why does the university and /or TM Movement at-large find greater importance in the Pandits’ facilities than the university students’ living quarters — Spending $2.5M USD on establishing, and $600,000.00 USD monthly on the Pandits’ compound operation? Perhaps there were commissions and economic benefits to the organizations who contracted and constructed the compound — this too is indicative of the “Kalash.” Or, perhaps, its further irony.

In my opinion, the Pandits and Students deserve more. The Pandits deserve more freedoms and compensation, and the students deserve updated quarters and higher education standards — both deserve strait forward disclosure of the social and civil realities of which they are subject. Nearly 1,000 students across a tuition of $26,400.00 comprises a potential academic revenue stream upwards of $25M USD each year. We all deserve more answers.

Afoot the above mentioned funding, where does all that money go? And who’s ultimately “in charge” of the LOT of it? Perhaps the answers to these questions, and others, are buried in the landfill-esque clutter behind the Sustainable Living facility!

landfill behind maharishi university of managements sustainable living facility
Behold the landfill behind Maharishi University of Management’s Sustainable Living Facility. Rubble, car parts, old boats, broken down semi-truck trailers, and who knows what else.

One day, as hail pinged the classroom window — a product of a storm that later gave rise to numerous tornados just miles from Fairfield — I asked my professor “What do we do in the event of a Tornado?” I thought perhaps there might be some Vastu protocol or, in the least, fundamental instruction.

One student took liberty in responding — in wake of the resulting silence — “We don’t really have tornadoes in Fairfield.” This was the second time I’d heard this assessment, and the professor let that answer ride. I wasn’t satisfied though, and re-postured my countenance — so as to communicate my expectation of an administrative answer — and thus a response was fabricated on-the-fly as the classroom’s eager eyes and ears mounted.

While tornados could be considered rare occurrences in Fairfield, history proves they’ve occurred. Acording to U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010, Jefferson County has seen at least five(5) Tornados (1959, 1967, 1972, 1975, and 1988.) Therefore, it’s reasonable to believe they will eventually occur again.

In consideration of this inevitability of tornadoes and fires, perhaps the notion of MUM’s Vastu-ish benefit and invincibility is in leiu of instilling a false sense of safety and trust in what’s otherwise marginal tornado and flame resistant residencies — not that the above mentioned structures require Tornado force winds to place residents in harms way. Or, perhaps, irony strikes again.