Gov To Seek Guru For Britney Spears?

File under: Guru to the Stars

A wildly inaccurate story about that tumbling train-wreck of the decade, Britney Spears, (did you know she was married to Justin Timberlake?), finds remedy for her widely-reported troubles with the help of the governor-elect of Louisiana:

It is time Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal, took an initiative to rescue the prodigal daughter of the state from courting disaster, helping her overcome her problems. He could possibly persuade the greatest ever pop star to seek out a spiritual guru, in his country of origin. Hopefully, someone will succeed to do Spears what Maharishi Mahesh Yogi did to John Lennon, and make the world look up to India.

The only “guru” Bobby Jindal could recommend as a Republican would be a bible-thumping, homo-hating Evangelical minister. Generally, they rarely make good gurus.

Neither did the Maharishi.  All he “did to” John Lennon was piss him off, causing him to write the song Sexy Sadie to commemorate that time the TM™ guru tried to nail Mia Farrow (or her sister, as some purport.)

If Britney is to get a guru, she or he is going to have to come by someone else’s recommendation. Someone who writes about gurus every day, perhaps?   We think we know just the man for the job…

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