The Love Guru Arrives With A Splat

File under: The Siddhi of PR

We’ll add: a much bigger splat than it would gotten had all those fame-whoring Hindu “leaders” found another cause to attach to their dreams of hitting the big-time:

“Not only does the film stumble badly from one skit to another, the skits themselves have too much dead air.”

“Unlike Dr. Evil, who wasn’t afraid to be unlikable, Pitka’s schtick is one giant cry for acceptance — eccentric but not challenging, therapeutic but not cathartic — which is absolute death to comedy.”

“More painful than sitting next to an Austin Powers impersonator during a 12-hour flight.”

“The Love Guru is so relentlessly juvenile as to merit a new twist on the PG-13 rating — one that strongly cautions not only those under 13 but anyone much above it, too.”

“Offensive, revolting and jawdropingly awful from beginning to end, a complete and total piece of Singularly Horrid Infantile Trash (TM).”

Sorry, Mike. If you’d have invited us to the premiere, we’d have posted the one good review this stinker received. And to Rajan Zed and the other haters: great job on getting a bad movie much, much, much more attention than it ever deserved. You were drinking the Mike Myers/Paramount Kool-Aid the whole friggin’ time. Dupes.

The Love Guru Arrives With A Splat” target=”_blank”>”The Love Guru Arrives With A Splat”