The Maharishi’s Lies

File under: Gurubusting, Satscams and The Siddhi of PR

This article at TM-Free Blog is like a Rossetta Stone of the TM™ movement and its avaricious guru, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:

5. Maharishi is a perfect Master. This is the biggest lie and one that I will deal with in detail below. Additional claims are that he is a life long celibate, that he never makes mistakes, that only he can enlighten the world, etc…

I am ultimately going to claim that Maharishi’s motivation is not simply to enlighten the world. I am going to point out that he is highly motivated by fame, money and power, even more so as time goes on. His insecurities about maintaining his power and money will show up as an increase in paranoia and greed within the TM movement.

The turban comes off for Michael D. Coleman, author of this exceedingly clear presentation of the flimflamming that was perpetrated by the Maharishi while he was alive. Now that he’s dead, his con might become a canon. Woe be to the world for that!

The Maharishi’s Lies” target=”_blank”>”The Maharishi’s Lies”