A kind reaction to the book from someone who knows the subject well, Geoff Gilpi…

A kind reaction to the book from someone who knows the subject well, Geoff Gilpin, author of "The Maharishi Effect." See http://geoffgilpin.com/transcendental-meditation-america-gets-story-straight/

“Transcendental Meditation in America” gets the story straight – Reason and Magic
Fairfield, Iowa, should be on everyone’s bucket list of unique destinations. Is there another American town that contains so many worlds? In Fairfield, where 22% of the population lives below the poverty line, sprawling mansions loom over scruffy trailer homes. If you visit the Fairfield Arts and Co…

SOURCE: facebook.com/transcendentalmeditationinamerica
“A kind reaction to the book from someone who knows the subject well, Geoff Gilpi…”