courtesy of Mdm Balavatky.


*On the astral and psychic planes the Masters are always stronger than the Dugpas, because there, good is stronger than evil. But on our material plane, evil is stronger than good, and the Adepts having to exercise cunning if acting on this plane, (which is contrary to their natures) encounter great difficulty and can only palliate evil effects. In powers not good there is an absence of good, but not presence of evil, and the higher you go, the more does evil become the absence of good. The first exercise of Dugpaship is to psychologize people. Every man has a potential Dugpa in him.

When the 6th Race reaches its close, there will be no more Dugpas. A Dugpa may become converted during life, at the expense of terrible suffering and trials. Dugpas are usually destroyed by Kundalini, the astral fire. They consume themselves. The Dugpa is forced to his own destruction. He becomes fascinated, runs into the evil current and so destroys himself.

The beasts of Dugpas have nothing but the animal in them, and even when they awaken the highest spirituality in them, it is the spirituality of the beast where there is nothing but vile, selfish instinct. On earth there is no evil power higher than the Dugpas.
They cannot when seen psychically conceal the presence of red about them. It is always visible in their aura. The color is deep crimson red. The sign of the presence of a Dugpa is a cold, clammy, empty, snaky feeling. Do not mistake the above for another feeling, viz., when chelas materialize they create a vacuum around them, which feels to us like a change of atmosphere, like being suddenly removed to a high plateau in Thibet. (The one a dry cold like high atmosphere, the other clammy)”


In metaphysics and new age thinking, it is taught that all things are connected, why then, in this statement from Blavatsky, is the astral and material treated as something that is separate? Is it not all connected? Here Blavatsky states the the masters have power in the astral etc, but not the material?

Then maybe, they are not masters.

Some people talk about and claim that it is the entities that dwell in the astral for example that have all of this power, control over the material. Over humans and the planet.

So what are the masters (that are only masters in the astral according to Blavatsky) really achieving if it is true that this earth is under control of astral entities ?

Blavatsky is claiming that masters have control in the astral.

Therefore, the “masters” that Blavatsky claims are all powerful in the astral, are, (if it is all connected per metaphysics, quantum physics etc.. and per the self proclaimed enlightened individuals), the same entities that are supposedly in control of humans?

Does Blavatsky align with the masters, who she claims are in control of the astral? Who by all accounts, per the enlightened ones, are the ones that are taking care of business and running the show in this realm..

OR does she align herself with the Dugpas, and say, “look over there..madest thou look, so ends the trick?”

Dugpas are eventually destroyed by the Kundalini, the astral fire… and consumed by the evil current.

So, the enlightened ones, the ones that have so called dominion on the material, the false teachers, charlatans, false leaders, liars, double talkers, hypnotizer’s, seducers, sorcerers…the false light….


Is it the false light, that will consume itself, in time…please. In your own time of course. Plenty of that seeing as that time is an illusion.

Or is it the illusion that is running out of time?


