Please submit letters to the editor of Des Moines Register, after their recent s…

Please submit letters to the editor of Des Moines Register, after their recent spread on Vedic City's Pandit compound. This is more important that the myriad of comments online. Bill Goldstein (attorney for aspects of the TMO) already submitted a rebuttal to the Register's recent article about Vedic City's pandit compound. Here's the link :

Submit a Letter to Editor
function validateEmail(addr,man,db) { if (addr == '' && man) { alert('email address is mandatory'); return false; } var invalidChars = '/'\ ';:?!()[]{}^|'; for (i=0; i -1) { alert('email address contains invalid characters'); return false; } } for (i=0; i127) { alert('email address contains non…

“Please submit letters to the editor of Des Moines Register, after their recent s…”